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Do you know how to identify safer window shades?
Soft Roman shades and roller shades are a beautiful way to introduce fabric to a room. Carole’s wide variety of styles and fabrics ensure that your favorite soft shades can stand alone as a covering on the window or be installed under side panels and a top treatment for a truly custom design. With the lining and lift system choices available, you can create your ideal custom shade.
When you sell a shade, one of the most important decisions to make is which lifting system is best for the homeowner. There are multiple options so it’s critical that you understand your customer’s needs.
October has been designated by the Window Covering Safety Council (WCSC) as National Window Covering Safety Month so let's discuss lift system options for safer window shades.
Shades that are Best for Kids™
The WCSC has created the “Best for Kids” certification program, the only one of its kind in the industry, to make it easier for consumers with children to identify safer window shades for their home. Products that qualify for “Best for Kids” certification meet one of the following requirements:
- They have no cords at all
- They have no operating cords and their inner cords are inaccessible
- They have no operating cords and their inner cords do not create a hazardous loop
After meeting the criteria stated above, manufacturers must submit their window covering products to a designated third‑party testing laboratory. Products that pass testing are permitted to use the approved label (shown to the right) on product brochures, packaging, or on the product itself.

Carole Fabrics offers multiple lift system options that are certified as “Best for Kids” by the WCSC. The following products bear the approved label:
- All Carole cordless soft Roman shades
- All Carole motorized soft Roman shades
- All Carole decorative fabric roller shades
These systems are perfect for households that have children, grandchildren or pets in the home. And it’s so important that YOU educate your customer on these safe choices. So, ask your customer if there will be children in the house!
What should you do if a client has corded window coverings?
One last thought ... I often offered to do a safety check of all window coverings in the homes of my clients. This creates a great opportunity to improve safety by identifying issues and educating your customer. You can do something wonderful for your client while also opening up potential sales. If there are children in the home, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recommends that all corded window coverings should be replaced with cordless products. The “Best for Kids” certification label makes it easy to propose these products as replacements.
So, bring some safety into your clients’ homes by logging into carolenet.com to quote certified “Best for Kids” soft Roman shades and roller shades.
Enjoy your October and have a happy Halloween!

Susan Pfingst
National Training Coordinator
With over 35 years in the Home Design Industry, Susan brings her extensive experience in design and sales. Training is her passion and she looks forward to sharing her insight!